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Exchange Programs

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Department Coordinator: Dr. Fesih KESKİN

Our department has participated in student exchange programs such as Farabi, Mevlana, especially ERASMUS+, and offers its students the opportunity to participate in the foreign experience and student exchange programs every year.

Erasmus+ Program student mobility is a program that covers university students to study abroad in a higher education institution in European Countries or to do an internship in a company or any institution/organization abroad, and our department students can also participate in this mobility. Students have the chance to become an exchange student at another European country’s EÜB holder higher education institution for 1 or 2 semesters (3-12 months) within 1 academic year and receive financial support for their stay abroad within the scope of the program. The financial support provided will not be reclaimed, it is not intended to cover all expenses of the students, but only to help with additional costs arising from mobility. Selected students can become Erasmus students as non-grant (“0 ″ grant) Erasmus student” if they wish. A student can benefit from Erasmus study and/or internship mobility activity for up to 12 months in total at each level of education (undergraduate, graduate, doctorate). Receiving internship mobility grants does not prevent receiving education mobility grants. Participation requirements, grants and duration information are available on the EU Education Programs Coordinator website. (Click to access the current list of ERASMUS agreements of our university, click for online application.)

Farabi Exchange Program, a period between universities in Turkey (Fall semester only) or a year (Fall + Spring Semester) is a program that allows student mobility. Change creates the experience of dealing with difficulties as well as improving the social skills of the individual. There are also significant improvements in communication skills while establishing a new environment and friend group. In addition to the chance to study with different academicians and a different school, it allows you to have different knowledge and skills compared to your friends at the university. Your vision improves. YÖK provides non-refundable scholarships to students participating in the Farabi Exchange Program. (Click for the list of universities participating in the Farabi program and their agreements, click for the application form.)

Mevlana Exchange Program is a program that aims to exchange students and academic staff between higher education institutions providing education in Turkey and higher education institutions providing education abroad. (Click for contracted countries, universities list and agreements, click for the application form.)

For further information and announcements, please visit the Office of International Relations.