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In 2010, it started its education and research activities as the Food Engineering Department within the Faculty of Engineering. The Department continues its teaching activities with a total of 4 academic staff, 3 of whom are Doctors and 1 Lecturer. Our department provides education to a total of 13 students, 11 of whom are foreign students in the undergraduate program. A total of 25 graduate students, including one foreigner, continue their scientific studies in our department.

For foreign students to enter the Department of Food Engineering, it is required to be successful in the central examination called the Foreign Student Examination (YÖS). In addition, students are also admitted.

Department of Food Engineering; It consists of Food Science and Food Technology Departments. The Department of Food Engineering is the most efficient and effective way to evaluate food raw materials by processing them in the most appropriate way, to increase food diversity by making use of raw materials in a versatile way, to preserve and market processed foods in terms of quantity and quality, to design, develop and control appropriate processes, and to control, sanitation and management. was established to carry out education, training and research in order to realize the healthiest production. Our department is planning to provide education with an internationally accredited program.

In order to train qualified food engineers for today's conditions, it aims at an education based on basic subjects such as Basic Engineering, R&D and Management, Food Production Technology, Design-Planning, Process, Quality Control, Food Microbiology, Hygiene-Sanitation, Food Preservation and Packaging. . Our department, which plans to serve in this context, aims to train innovative, problem-solving and entrepreneurial food engineers who use scientific methods in their working environments. Our department has adopted the principle of providing safe, efficient and successful personnel to the food sector, as well as providing services for the solution of the problems encountered in the sector.