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What Can I Do When I Graduate: Computer engineering is an engineering branch that is basically related to computer science, makes software, tests, analyzes and designs in every subject that the computer can help, and produces solutions for social, technological, scientific and social issues. Computer engineers, on the other hand, are people who take an active role in the design, installation and development of both software and hardware of computer systems. Determining the need for a computer network, evaluating the tender offers, preparing and providing the specifications in the institution, consulting computer companies, designing computer hardware, working on the data to be entered into the computer, working as a system programmer and analyzer, working on software are among the duties of computer engineers.

Public Sector: The field of study of computer engineering is quite wide. It would not be wrong to answer the question of where does a computer engineer work as working in almost every sector of the business world. Computer engineers are needed in the telecommunication world, entertainment industry, banking, education sector, public sector and all kinds of commercial companies. In addition, this need is constantly increasing in our age where technology is developing with great strides. Although the main working areas of this engineering branch are divided into four as hardware, software, system and network, business analyst, web designer, software design specialist, bank manager, hardware engineering, control engineering, graphic design and drawing, network and internet expertise, configuration manager, data There is a wide range of work in architecture, data analytics, robotics engineering and many more.

What Does a Computer Engineer Do:
Database Management
Software Development
System Designer And Analyst
Information Security Specialist
Mobile Application Development
Systems Engineering
Business Analysis Specialist

Software and Informatics Sector: In this sector, many electrical-electronic engineers work together with computer engineers. They are involved in the development and implementation of both software and computer network technologies.

In addition to these sectors, you can continue your career as an academician. Almost all of the well-established or newly established universities in our country have electrical-electronic engineering departments and there is a serious need for successful and productive academicians who can teach especially in English in these departments.

In addition, electrical-electronic engineers are able to establish their own technology companies even at a young age to serve in such sectors and set successful entrepreneurship examples.